Healthcare - measurement and calibration

Healthcare is one of the biggest industries that must be based on correct measurement.

In the healthcare sector, most of the gauges fall under the so-called „legally controlled measuring instruments", which are intended to protect health according to Decree No. 345/202 Coll. of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. These gauges are regularly officially verified. It mainly includes blood tonometers, scales for weighing persons, medical thermometers and other devices which have an effect on diagnosis or a direct effect on human health.

However, in the field of medical technology there are also devices that need to be „accredited calibrated". In layman's terms, it is necessary to determine whether the device is working and measuring to the correct deviation. For this purpose, there exist accredited calibration laboratories that will perform the calibration and issue a calibration certificate. On this calibration certificate, the user then knows exactly to what deviation the meter is operating.

KALIST AKL s.r.o. is an accredited calibration laboratory that provides a complete range of services and calibrations, covering most of the gauges used in healthcare facilities.


Calibration, questions and answers

Calibration, questions and answers

How long the calibration is valid? What is the recalibration period? What is a calibration certificate and what does it contain? What is validation, etalon, gauge continuity or official verification of a gauge? The answers to these questions can be found here.